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Madame President!

Madame President!

David Morton28 Jul 2021 - 18:22
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Club makes new ground by electing a lady as their President for first time.............

At the AGM on 21st July, Sue Glendinning was elected as the first lady president of Carlisle RFC and will serve in the role for two years. Sue has served the club for a number of years in a variety of roles. As one wag put it at the AGM, "at least the referee can feel more relaxed on on match days now she will be the other side of the perimeter fencing!" (More recently she could be found in the region of the dug out ministering kit, water, sponge work , first aiid, and of course advising the referee).
Welcome to your term of office that you will surely enjoy representing the club on all those necessary occasions.
Further reading