A message from our President Phil Healy
It is with great sadness that we learnt late this week of the sudden and unexpected passing of Kelly Graham on Wednesday 19 March. Kelly was an active member of our club family for nearly 30 years as parent of 3 boys who all progressed through the club, volunteer, supporter, and occasional employee when needed. Most weekends she could be found at the club supporting one of our teams, usually when one of the boys was playing. Latterly that was Tom who has been our club captain for the past few seasons. Words cannot express the love and esteem in which she was held; indeed there is no family that has supported the club more over so many years than the Grahams.
Always accompanied by her best friend and husband Malcom (Tank), our condolences go out to him, sons Joe and Tom and all their families. We also remember her eldest son Luke who predeceased her nearly 5 years ago, and in whose memory a charity event is planned at the club for next Saturday, 29 March, and his family, wife Linda and daughters Caitlin and Jessica.
Kelly touched the lives of so many with her infectious smile and caring attitude. She leaves a huge hole in our lives and she will always hold a place in our hearts.